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Stranger, 49 - 8 января 2008 18:38

[SIZE=+1]The strength of a woman isn’t seen in the size of her bust.
It’s in the size of her heart which she opens to you
The strength of a woman isn’t seen in the broadth of her hips.
It’s in the broadth of her soul that cares for you
The strength of a woman isn’t seen in the depth of her eyes
It’s in the depth of her emotions that carry you on their waves...
The strength of a woman isn’t seen in the length of her legs.
It’s in the length of her memory which keeps you alive.....

The strength of a man isn’t seen in the width of his shoulders.
It’s in the width of his arms that encircle you.
The strength of a man isn’t in the deep tone of his voice.
It’s in the gentle words he whispers.
The strength of a man isn’t in how many buddies he has.
It’s how good of buddies he is with his children.
The strength of a man isn’t in how respected he is at work.
It’s how respected he is at home.
The strength of a man isn’t in how hard he hits.
It’s in how tender he touches.
The strength of a man isn’t in the hair on his chest.
It’s in his Heart...that lies within his chest.
The strength of a man isn’t in how many women he’s loved.
It’s in can he be true to one woman.
The strength of a man isn’t in the weight he can lift.
It’s in the burdens he can carry...... [/SIZE]
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