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Ada, 33 - 6 июня 2012 02:06

Отредактировано:06.06.12 02:07
[COLOR=darkblue]You call to me
And I fall at your feet
How could anyone ask for more
[B]And our time apart
Like knives in my heart[/B]
How could anyone ask for more
[B]But if there’s a pill
To help me forget
God knows I haven’t found it yet
But I’m dying to
God I’m trying to

But trying not to love you
Only goes so far
Trying not to need you
It’s tearing me apart
Can’t see the silver lining
I’m down here on the floor
I just keep on trying
I don’t know what for
Cause trying not to love you
Only makes me love you more[/B]
Only makes me love you more

[B]And this kind of pain
Only time takes away
That’s why it’s harder to let you go
And nothing I can do
Without thinking of you[/B]
That’s why it’s harder to let you go
But if there’s a pill
To help me forget
God knows I haven’t found it yet
But I’m dying to
God I’m trying to

Cause trying not to love you
Only goes so far
Trying not to need you
It’s tearing me apart
Can’t see the silver lining
I’m down here on the floor
I just keep on trying
I don’t know what for
Cause trying not to love you
Only makes me love you more

So I sit here divided
Just stuck to myself
Was it something that I did
Was there somebody else
When a voice from behind me
That was fighting back tears
Sat down right beside me
Whispered right in my ear
So I came by here to tell you

Cause trying not to love you
Only went so far
Trying not to need you
It’s tearing me apart
Now I see the silver lining
What we're fighting for
If we just keep on trying
We can be much more
Cause trying not to love you
Trying not love you
Only makes me love you more[/COLOR]
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